Episode 17: Test-Demic
How flawed tests lead to flawed data that leads to harmful policies
How a misused PCR test turn our world upside down
Here they come again! PCR testing and slaughtering animals? What could possibly go wrong?
Waking the World up Excerpts from Video The PCR Test was Absolutely Worthless in Diagnosing COVID-19
November 11, 2020, a Portuguese Court
The court holds PCR COVID Test 97% inaccurate unfit for purpose. The mainstream media in Europe and the US is is definitely silent silent as a court determines the PCR tests legally useless to test for COVID This landmark ruling finds the COVID tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the mainstream media do? Ignore it?
In April, 2021 the CDC issued new guidance to laboratories recommending reducing the RT-PCR CT value to 28 cycles - at first only for the vaccinated! (they were getting a lot of breakthrough cases - vaccinated people testing positive for covid) Then when they got called out they said it was just a mistake and then they clarified that it was everyone. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-changes-rules-counting-breakthrough-cases/
Preprint came out from researchers from Oxford, Harvard, and others, that compared outcomes in over 1 million unvaxxed children and adolescents who were either vaxxed or unvaxxed for covid19.
They found that all myocarditis and pericarditis occurred in children and adolescents who were vaccinated for covid 19, but NOT after the natural infection.
Over half of the kids who suffered myocarditis after the vaccine required hospitalization.
And hospitalization due to the infection itself was extremely rare.
These shot are all risk for kids aged 5-15. We suggest contacting the FDA and demanding that the shots be recalled for this age group (at least).
Link to the FDA contact page and study.
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Health Rights MA
My Salon Suites in Westborough and Leominster
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Thank you to our Show Sponsors:
Health Rights MA
My Salon Suites in Westborough and Leominster
Thyme Herbal Apothecary 277 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA
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