Episode 50: 2025 Health Freedom Bills with Dan Seitz
#1 SUBSCRIBE TO HEALTH RIGHTS MA EMAIL LIST: This is the top form of communication. We can't invite you to local events, keep you updated, or share action alerts if you're not on the list. tinyurl.com/HRMASUBSCRIBE
Get involved: If you would like to volunteer please answer a few questions here and someone will contact you. tinyurl.com/HRMAVOLUNTEER
Become a Constituent Liaison https://tinyurl.com/ConstituentLiaison A Constituent Liaison politely but doggedly reaches out and develops relationships with their MA Representative and/or Senator and their staff on behalf of Health Rights MA to encourage them to sponsor and help pass health freedom bills into law. Your tasks would involve setting up meetings and sending informative emails, with support from HRMA.
Donate: If you would like to support Health Rights please consider a monthly donation (one-time donations are of course appreciated too!) https://donorbox.org/healthrightsma
SD1429/HD1656 An Act Relative to Bodily Autonomy and Family Integrity (updated for 2025)
Health Rights MA
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