Episode 26: Health Freedom is on the Ballot with Jane Cournan
With guest Jane Cournan, Candidate for State Rep, 6th Plymouth
Health Freedom Loving Business Spotlight - Owl Eyes Wilderness Survival
Health Freedom News
Vaccine Passport https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/five-countries-test-european-vaccination-card/
New Zealand https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/interim_nz_pandemic_plan_v2.pdf
Israel lost vaccine safety data https://www.timesofisrael.com/ombudsman-health-ministry-didnt-check-82-of-reports-on-covid-vaccine-side-effects
Kansas suing Pfizer https://www.facebook.com/share/r/oaQAzW5ELNKbeDy4/?mibextid=J7ZoRX
Djokovic wins gold https://novakdjokovic.com/en/novak-djokovic/
Thank you to our Show Sponsors!!!!
Health Rights MA
Thyme Herbal Apothecary 277 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA
PT Pet Supply 86 Worcester Rd. Webster Ma
Dumpter Divers Servicing Worcester County area