Episode 24: Disinfecting Government Corruption

Episode 24: Disinfecting Government Corruption

John Paul Moran, Founder & CEO, Grand Opportunity USA

John Paul Moran is founder and CEO of Grand Opportunity USA “GO USA”, a 501(c)4 nonprofit and GO UNITED, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, the creator of GO USA’s OppScore® (short for “Opportunity Score”) political credit rating system and app and the new “OppScore Challenge”, 2020 Republican nominee for Congress in the Massachusetts 6th District, author of the 2016 book Cues for Conservatives, host of GOUSA’s “THEM vs YOU” Show, multiple-time entrepreneur, marketing executive, former MIT space telescope scientist, California surfing brand creator, and 6th generation great nephew of President Thomas Jefferson.

John Paul’s motto is: “It’s not Left vs Right or Red vs Blue, They Work for YOU”.  He and his team of patriot volunteers at GO USA are focused on holding our government servants 100% accountable, fighting tyranny and supporting the Will of the People - the “forgotten 80%” of common-sense citizens – and giving them a user-friendly tool to guarantee that our elected officials are honoring their oath to the Constitution and serving the people, not themselves.

His mission is to motivate, educate and mobilize citizens of all backgrounds to advance American values of Opportunity and our God-given human rights, and to advocate for their personal, economic, social, educational, and national interests and needs in line with GOUSA’s “Five Points of Opportunity”.   

You can find out more about GOUSA at the website www.GO-USA.us, take the OppScore Survey, and follow them on social media.

Today's Health Freedom News Links

#1 Biopsy confirming covid vaccine myocarditis: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ehf2.14924

#2 https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2020-P-1857-0001

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Health Rights MA
Thyme Herbal Apothecary 277 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA
PT Pet Supply  86 Worcester Rd. Webster Ma
Dumpter Divers Servicing Worcester County area