Episode 11: The “Right to Refuse”  unwanted medical interventions with Attorney Diane Miller

Episode 11: The “Right to Refuse” unwanted medical interventions with Attorney Diane Miller

Guest: Diane Miller, JD, Policy Advisor, National Health Freedom Action
and the Right to Refuse Project. Author of the book Health Freedom: The Greatest Freedom of All. 

SAFE HARBOR Bill H.2244 and S.1329, An Act providing for consumer access to and the right to practice complementary and alternative health care services. These bills would provide legal protections for unlicensed holistic practitioners so they can continue providing their essential services in the state just as they always have, giving consumers the widest choice of practitioners possible.

The public hearing for former versions of this legislation in 2019 and 2021 drew individuals from across the state – even from out of state – and the remarks were overwhelmingly positive. No one spoke in opposition.

H.2244 and S.1329 are the perfect solution for Massachusetts residents’ long-term desire to have a law that protects access to its thousands of complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners. Find your state rep and senator here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator Call them and ask them to pass this bill into law. 

Upcoming Events:

MIT students for Open Inquiry Present Health Freedom: What it means & Why it Matters with Daniel Sietz, JD, EdD, Health Rights MA. May 2nd from 6 to 8pm. Get Event Details.

HomeoSummit 2024! 5 day event May 20-24! This event is for everyone! With two learning tracks, there's something for everyone! There's a track for beginners and one for homeopaths, so even if you're only first starting with homeopathy or if you're an advanced practitioner (or anywhere in between) there are sessions just for you. Register for free! Go to https://www.homeosummit.com/?ref=66 to view the full speaker line-up and schedule and to register for free. Optional purchases are available for those who would like Lifetime Access.

Protect Health Freedom in Massachusetts! 

Nitti Gritti and Jimmy Levy, Breaking The Matrix

Thank you to our Show Sponsors:
Health Rights MA

My Salon Suites in Westborough and Leominster
Thyme Herbal Apothecary
 277 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA